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We present a cheque for £3226 to the Motor Neurone Disease Association.

On Wednesday 15th November at a club coffee morning our former President Judith Chappel presented a cheque for £3226 to Veronica Ace, acting on behalf of the MND Association, Yorkshire Branch.

A giant cheque for a giant achievement.

Judith had nominated the Motor Neurone Disease Association as her charity for her 2022/23 President's Year and during the last 12 months organised a number of fundraising events which were enthusiastically supported by our members. Judith kindly provided the following information about the year:

"The fund raising started with the Xmas coffee morning when I was given a cheque for £26.00, so off to a good start.

“In January we had a domino evening and the Burns Night supper with the raffle proceeds going to the Charity- these raised £160.

The horse- racing evening social raised £273.

The Coronation, Patrons, Masham and Yorkshire Day raffles all raised amazing amounts for the Charity. On the Coronation and Yorkshire Days there were some wonderful costumes worn by our members and of course some great bowling. The Patrons game however was a much more serious game unfortunately it was cut short by the weather.

The finals weekend wasn’t very good for the diet as there were cakes and biscuits all weekend provided by our members. This resulted in £140.

The Presidents Charity Day raised the magnificent total of £923.”

Over forty members attended the presentation. 👍

Note: Club Coffee Mornings are held every two weeks on Wednesday morning starting at 10.30 a.m.



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